Sometimes you have to be lucky. In my daily search for a ‘digital barnfind’ I encountered a very special find: CRANKHANDLEBLOG. Probably most of you have found this great blog in this way, but for me it was a special day. After visiting automotive related events and people all over the world, since I was eight, this was the first time I realised there are youngsters like me with exactly the same love for the weird, the dusty, and the rusty. Many times I was asked where my dad was when I asked if this was a Briggs and Stratton or a Smith Flyer. There are not too many girls and boys in their twenties who share this crazy hobby. All of a sudden I found one, Rose Atalante. Although not as patinated as vintage cars, she jumped the subject with the fanaticism of a Bugatti Brescia.

I contacted her, and she soon asked me to write some stories for CHB. I was honored and determined to use this opportunity to attract more youngsters to the hobby. The idea is that if we succeed in this now, we will benefit from the friendship, the stories and the dirty nails we share for the rest of our lives.

I am in my twenties too and just started with a very busy part of my studies in a direction not even closely related to the automotive world. But I have many stories and tips to share with other young guys… and girls. If you are interested, I have not yet found my prewar project but I did find many period peculiarities, which I will talk about soon. I will show that this is a hobby for the future and not for the past.

Which future stories can you expect from me?
– Barnfinding for dummies;
– Terminology to keep up with the Bedelia owner;
– Social media in the twenties, automotive style;
– How to learn driving a cyclecar in the thirties;
– Volkswagen gate, where have we seen this before?
– And many more stories about the odd, the modern and the things that                you never heard of before, also if you are dedicated of the veteran era.

You may, or may not, have noticed… I will write under an alias. This has three reasons: I am a bit shy, I like to work under the radar and I don’t want to burden the guys who opened their secret garage doors in backyards for me. I like to solicit your feedback and hear your stories or hear about your impossible projects that are so thrilling for young guys like me.

Written by Dans Son Jus
